ThiruppavithrOtsavam 2023 - Photos/Videos: ThiruppuLingudi • nAthan kOyil (Nandhipura ViNNagaram)
ThiruppuLi vAhanam renovaion at AzhwArThirunagari.
We are:
Kaarimaran Kalai Kappagam Trust is a non-profit institution focusing on protecting and developing "Emberumaanaar Dharisanam". This goal is accomplished through 3 fold activities:
- Pramaana rakshagam (Protecting the literature of Azhwars and Acharyas) is done through publishing of various CDs, books, spiritual diaries, etc.
- Prameya rakshagam (Protecting the Lord Sriman Narayana who is the object of the literatures) is done through performing festivals at various Divya Desams so that the age old traditions of our sampradayam are not lost.
- Pramaathaa rakshagam (Protecting and developing the individuals who teach us) is accomplished by performing the above two activities sincerely and honestly.
Karimaran Kalai Kappagam was established in 1988.
The Kalai Kappagam refers:
- To restore the Srivaishnava culture of chanting both Tamizh and Samskritha Vedhas in the utsavams every year to maintain the purity and bhakthi in the divine temples where there is less/non happening of the same.
- As the same done in the past 30 years, some of the temples taken care of their Pavithrotsavam on their own, which was not happened earlier, when we have started.
- To propaganda both Vedhams with Sthothra Padam through the medias to learn by all on their comfortable time, due to the various constraints on not able to learn in person from scholars. Santhai Murai (Learner’s Series) and Sevakala Murai (Recitation Series) were released by our founder Sri. U. Ve. Dheivanayagan Swami in support of Karimaran Kalai as one of the Srivaishnava Athikari who lead from the front in this practice.
- Those Medias are broadcasted in famous temple like Badrinath even before a decade with the divine attracting voice of Divya Prabhandham which made the place divine environment.
- We also earlier, distributed 4000 divyaprabhandham books in a cheaper price for the benefit of devotees, with Azhwars life history.
- Every year we used to distribute an useful works of our ancestors to by-heart those from their home with our year panchangam.
- Stopped utsavam/Vahanams are resumed from our trust to maintain the culture and heritage of the temples.
- Through our trust activities, many kainkaryaparas with their family benefited by serving on the utsavam, food, clothes, money, which made them to continue their services/token of appreciation for and in their hometown.
kArmimAran Kalai kAppagam Trust
Chairman : Shri. S. Rengarajan
President : Shri. K. VaradarAjan
Patron: Shri. u. vE. P. DheivanAyagan SwAmi
Trustees: Shri. V. Ramanujam, Shri. V. Mathurakavi, Shri. P. AuthinAthan and Shri. R. pArthasArathy